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I need my transcript ASAP! In under 24 hours if possible. Can I request a “RUSH” order? While we cannot guarantee less than 24-hour turnaround, there are a few things you can be do to make sure your order is transcribed and delivered in the absolute minimum amount of time possible.
Got a need for speed? Read on! (Photo by Alessio Lin)
First, if your order has already been placed, in most cases it’s too late to rush completion.…
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Writer’s block is not the boss of you! Writer’s block is when your mind seizes up and it feels like no ideas are going to come out of it ever again. The characters fall silent. No time passes in the world you’ve created. No new words come to the page. You’re completely dried up.
It’s one of the worst feelings for a writer! But it’s not incurable. You’ll find your ideas again!…
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Congratulations to the award-winning documentary, “A Golden Cross to Bear” It’s always exciting when a project we’ve worked on is spotted “in the wild,” so to speak, and one of our editors recently discovered a very special example.
Christine L. was the editor on a transcription that turned out to be part of a WWI documentary…a project she found particularly meaningful:
I felt so privileged to be involved in working on the transcript of this documentary, “A Golden Cross to Bear.…
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Ready to move beyond cell phone recordings? Read on!
Four Recording Devices That We Recommend Digital recording devices vary widely in terms of their features and the level of technical expertise required…and of course new products are constantly being released!
Some devices trade off physical ease of use for more memory space. Others may have plenty of disc space, only to run into issues when connecting to your comptuer or other external device in order to share your files.…
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What is the Notes field for? When you place an order, you will notice an optional “Notes” field on the upload page. This field allows you to leave a comment for the workers who will handle your order.
Include helpful info or special requests by leaving a note with your file.
What to put in a note Adding notes lets you provide information to help the transcribers and editors who work on your file do a great job.…
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Whether you are a journalist, a copywriter, or a novelist, your income depends on the amount of quality work that you produce.
The more you write, the more money you can make. But unfortunately, it’s easy to get in your own way with unproductive work habits that slow you down.
That’s why we’ve come up with four productivity secrets that will help you write faster.
1. Prioritize Your Time According to What’s Important in Your Life Prioritizing your time starts with taking stock of your values and goals.…
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Ready for some holiday magic? Here’s a pro tip: The US holiday season is a great time for some “set it and forget it” transcription!
Your school, business, or organization may have some down time coming up, but CastingWords does not. In fact, with a seasonally lighter demand, many orders actually turn around more quickly at this time of year, and our Help Desk is available, as always, to answer any questions you may have.…
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Religious leaders are reaching more followers by transcribing their sermons.
Do you ever wish that you could reach out to more believers beyond the confines of your existing congregation?
Do you want to find ways to be more welcoming and connect with people who are traveling through your town and might welcome a place to worship?
Or have you ever wished you could share your ideas and thoughts and inspire another believer across the globe?…
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Do you have a novel in you, just waiting to be born? They say everyone does!
November may be Movember to some, but to us it’s always been National Novel Writing Month, lovingly (if awkwardly) abbreviated NaNoWriMo.
What will YOUR novel be about? (Photo by John Schnobrich)
The event begins on November 1, and the goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by midnight on the last day of the month.…
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Running focus groups can give you a treasure trove of ideas, if you do it right!
Focus groups allow you to gather qualitative information about your customers, and gain insights into the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes of the people who interact with your company or organization. They can also help you identify and resolve possible problems in a cost-effective way.
Here are a few tips to help your focus group run smoothly, so you can get the most useful results possible and gather the information you need to grow your company:…
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