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CastingWords or WatchingWords — What's the Difference?

Regular readers will recall when CastingWords launched its new service, WatchingWords.com, and later the WatchingWords Blog. You have material to transcribe, whether a professionally produced promotional spot, your latest podcast episode, a back catalog of classroom lectures, a quick chat captured on your smartphone, or pretty much anything else. How do you know which transcription service is right for you? Photo by Austin Distel What’s the difference? What is the difference between CastingWords and WatchingWords, and which one should you use?…

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Introducing WatchingWords, a Brand New Service From CastingWords

SaaS, Meet Transcription CastingWords is proud to announce a whole new service! WatchingWords is a Software as a Service solution that helps you organize your media, edit captions, and manage transcriptions. Choose a monthly transcription plan, connect your media source, and sit back. We transcribe all of your audio and video as it comes in, quickly converting your media files into timestamped, searchable text in a variety of formats.…

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