Rachel Pearson: [0:00] This is Rachel from CastingWords and I'm going to show you how to upload files to CastingWords.com using "FileZilla." [0:08] First, you open up FileZilla. Enter in the host, which is castingwords.com. Username is your CastingWords login email address and your CastingWords password. Then, you hit Quickconnect. [0:24] It's connected successfully. [0:27] You can view the messages over here. It says "Directory Listed Successful." Up here, it says "Connected." If it doesn't connect, your password's probably incorrect. Now, we navigate to the files you want to upload... Mine's in my iTunes directory. Down here are the contents of the folder -- I want to move test.mp3. [0:56] I just drag and drop it over here. Down at the bottom, it shows the status of the file transfer. My file's finished transferring. Your files will probably take a lot longer. I'm using a really short file for this demo. [1:10] Now, we go to castingwords.com and login. [1:28] Go to "My Uploads" and there's my file. Now, you can go ahead and place an order. I hope this helps you FTP files to CastingWords and thank you for your business.